The Erasmus+ Project ActEco aims at integrating the already existing learning contents of STEP – Straw Bale Training for European Professionals (responsible partner: ASBN), PIRATE – Clay Building (responsible lead partner ArTur) and Jump! – Training for Change (responsible partner AsTERRE) into an e-learning platform.
The contents will be prepared in such a way that they are clearly understandable, motivating and, despite the physical absence of trainers or a training group, exciting, instructive and convincing. Pictures, videos, webinars, quizzes and tests are intended to loosen up the courses. Some of these courses will be offered free of charge, some advanced courses (including the complete STEP program) will be available online for a fee.
The partners: Zuzana Kierulfová (ArTUR), Július Šréter (ArTUR), Herbert Gruber (ASBN), Lydie Didier (AsTERRE), Leo Boulicot (AsTERRE/AMACO) Ivana Žabičková (SHS), Zdeněk Vejpustek (SHS), Ladislav Šatka (ŠIOV), Mária Olšinská (ŠIOV), Zuzana Šniagerová (SOŠ), Miroslav Osvald (SOŠ)
More Info: www.acteco.eu
#ACTeco#BUILDING PHYSICS#Earth Building#Professional Strawbale Building Training#STEP#Straw Bale Building#THERMAL INSULATION