ASBN, GrAT: Projektbericht Haus der Zukunft (1,7 MB)
kompletter Bericht, extra: Wandaufbauten und Zertifikate
ASBN, Herbert & Astrid Gruber, Mag. Helmuth Santler & Global 2000: European StrawBale Gathering AUSTRIA 2002 REPORT (2 MB, deutsch/english)
ASBN, GrAT: Schnitt Wandaufbau mit Strohballendämmung
FASBA: Bau-Strohballen aus derLandwirtschaft
FASBA: Mikrobielle Empfindlichkeit von Bau-Strohballen
FASBA: Konzeption einer Komprimierungsvorrichtung für Strohballenbauteile
FASBA: Abschlussbericht Projekt: „Strohballenbautechnik und Herstellung in der Altmark“
FASBA: ESBN-Gathering 2007 Deutschland
Global 2000 im Auftrag der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung und in Zusammenarbeit mit ConsultS und ECODUM; Wohnbauforschungserfassung 2005: Strohdämmung im nördlichen Niederösterreich und im südlichen Mähren (3,1 MB)
GrAT, Gruppe Angepasste Technologie an der Technischen Universität Wien: Das S-House – Planen und Bauen für die Zukunft (5,1 MB)
zum Publikationen-Download-Bereich der GrAT
Krick, Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin, Universität Kassel:
Poster 1: Zeitleiste zur historischen Entwicklung von Strohballenpressen
Poster 2: Primärenergieinhalte von Strohballen und StrohballenkonstruktionenPoster 3: Moderne Strohballenpressen und deren Optimierung für den Strohballenbau
Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut Für Angewandte Umweltforschung in Zusammenarbeit mit Agrar Plus, Holzbau Unfried GMBH, ConsultS, Haus der Baubiologie: Stroh Kompakt (10 MB, 228 Seiten)
Pokorny, Dipl.Ing. Walter im Auftrag von Global 2000: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den Strohballenbau in Österreich, 2000
Scharmer, Dirk, Baustroh Ltd: Baustrohballen in Deutschland
Staribacher, Ing, Agrar Plus: Aufbringungs-Potential von Stroh
Wimmer, Robert u.a., 2001: Fördernde und hemmende Faktoren für den Einsatz von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen im Bauwesen, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Krumphuber, Pamela, Die Presse: Vom Bauern für Bauherrn
Schulze, Sigrid, Leben & Wohnen (Berliner Morgenpost): Wohnen in einem Haus aus Strohballen und Lehm
Lebensministerium: Staatspreis für Architektur: Kindergarten Ziersdorf (Ö), S-House Böheimkirchen, Flash-SWF
Handwerk & Umwelt: Baustoff vom Acker – Mit Stroh bauen
IBO-Magazin, Scharmer, Dirk: Strohballen als Wärmedämmstoff
Südafrika, Didimala Lodge: Palace made of Straw
Wigglesworth, Sarah: Innovatives Strohballenhaus in London
NEU: Build It With Bales Authors: Matts Myhrman and S. O. McDonald
One of the original books on straw bale contrstuction
Now available as a series of free PDFs thanks to the Authors
Weitere Quellen: Straw Bale Resources (www.cc-w.co.uk)
Ecological Building Network (ecobuildnetwork.org)
ASCE/NAHB: Revised Builder’s Guide to Frost Protected Shallow Foundations
2004, NAHB Research Center, Inc.; basierend auf der Studie der American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Design and Construction of Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations, 2001
Ash, C., Aschheim, M., Mar, D., In Plane Cyclic Tests of Plastered Straw Bale Wall Assemblies, Ecological Building Network
ASTM E84-98 Surface Burning Characteristics 001, Straw Bale.
ASTM E119, Small Scale Fire Test, 1993
ASTM E119-05a Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials: 1 Hr Fire resistance test of a non-loadbearing straw bale wall, 2006 Available through the Ecological Building Network Website
ASTM E119-05a Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials: 2 Hr Fire resistance test of a non-loadbearing straw bale wall, 2006 Available through the Ecological Building Network Website
Bilello, J., Carter, R., Missile Perforation Threshold Speeds for Straw Bale Wall Construction with a Stucco Finish, The Wind Engineering Research Centre, Texas Tech University, 1999
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Straw Bale Moisture Sensor Study
CMHC, Energy Use in Straw Bale House, 02-115
CMHC, Wood Usage in Straw Bale House Construction, 02-116
CMHC, Moisture Properties of Plaster and Stucco for Straw Bale Buildings, 00-132
Carrick, J., Glassford, J., Vertical Loading, Creep, Transverse Loading, and Racking Loading on Plastered Straw-Bale Walls, University of New South Wales, 1998
Centre d’Expertise du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, Utilisation de la Paille en Parois de Maison Individuelles à Ossaure Bois (Use of straw for walling of detached timber framed houses), 2004
Donahue, K., Testing of Straw Bale Walls with Out of Plane Walls, 2003, Ecological Building Network
Donahue, K., Arkin, D., Preliminary Report on Out-of-Plane Testing of an 8 foot by 8 foot Straw Bale/Pisé Wall Panel, Consolidated Engineering Laboratories, 2001
Faine, M., Zhang, J., A Pilot Study Examining the Strength, Compressibility and Serviceability of Rendered Straw Bale Walls for Two Storey Load Bearing Construction, University of Western Sydney, 2002
Faine, M., Zhang, J., A Pilot Study examining and comparing the load bearing capacity and behaviour of an earth rendered straw bale wall to cement rendered straw bale wall. University of Western Sydney, 2002
Field, K., Woods, J., Fedrigo, C., Structural Testing of Straw Bales in Axial Compression, 2005
Floissac, Luc: Paille et construction
Grandsaert, M.F., A Compression Test of Plastered Straw-bale Walls, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1999
Jolly, R., Strawbale Moisture Monitoring Report, 2000 (CMHC technical series 00-103)
Jolly, R., Strawbale Moisture Monitoring Report, 2000 (Full report)
Jones, B., TIPP: Information Guide to Straw Bale Building, Amazonails, 2001
King, B., Straw Bale Construction, 2001
King, B., Load-Bearing Straw Bale Construction, 2003 Ecological Building Network
Lerner, K., Donahue, K., Structural Testing of Plasters for Straw Bale Construction, 2003 Ecological Building Network
Mar, D., Straw Bale Vault Test, Consolidated Engineering Laboratories, 1998
Mas, C.J., Everbach, E.C., Acoustical Characterisation of Straw Bales as Structural Elements, Acoustical Society of America
Nichols, J., Raap, S., Straw Bale Shear Wall Lateral Load Test, California Polytechnic State University, 2000
Smith, Dan, Creep in Bale Walls, DSA Architects, 2003 Ecological Building Network
Stone, N., Thermal Performance of Straw Bale Wall Systems, 2003 Ecological Building Network
Straube, J., Schumacher, C., Monitoring the Hygrothermal Performance of Strawbale Walls, Ecological Building Network
Straube, J., Moisture Properties of Plaster and Stucco for Strawbale Buildings, Ecological Building Network
Summers, M.D., Blunk, S.L., Jenkins, B.M., How Straw Decomposes: Implications for Straw Bale Construction, 2003 Ecological Building Network
Swearingen, J., Moisture Barriers in Straw-Bale Construction (1)
Swearingen, J., Moisture Barriers in Straw-Bale Construction (2)
Taylor, B., Vardy, S., NacDougall, C., Compressive Strength Testing of Earthen Plasters for Straw Bale Wall Application, Queen’s University
Theis, B., Straw Bale Fire Safety
US Department of Energy, House of Straw, 1995
Vardy, S., MacDougall, C., Compressive Testing and Analysis of Plastered Straw Bales, Queen’s University, 2004
Vardy, S., Compressive Testing and Analysis of a Typical Straw Bale Plaster, Queen’s University
Walker, P., Compression Load Testing of Straw Bale Walls, University of Bath, 2004
Wheeler, A., Riley, D., Boothby, T., The Effects of Plasteres Skin Confinement on the Performance of Straw Bale Wall Systems, 2004
Eisenberg, David: Building Standards (LINK)
Tucson, Arizona, Development Center for Appropriate Technology
The Last Straw – The Grassroots Journal of Straw-Bale and Natural Building (LINK)
Hillsboro, New Mexico, A Net Works Prod.*
Ship Harbour Straw Bale Building
Ship Harbour, Nova Scotia, Kanada
U.S. Department of Energy: House of Straw – Straw Bale Construction comes of Age
Huff´n Puff Construction: Pre-Compressed Straw Bale Walls (Bericht); Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australien
Dissertationsprojekt Strohballenbau
Universität Kassel, FB 6: Forschungslabor experimentelles Bauen. Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Krick. Betreuung: Prof. G. Minke, FEB; Prof. O. Hensel, Agrartechnik; Prof. E. Fehling, IKI
Strawbale Structures in Hungary (engl., PDF, 2,7 MB)
Attila Mészáros: CereDom Ltd & Hungarian Strawbale Network
Andersen, Jørgen Munch-, Birte Møller (Dänemark): Straw Bale Houses – design and material properties
Danish Building and Urban Research (Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut)
Keller, Lars und Morandin, Jo (DK): Hands for Knowledge
Halmballer og muslinger som isoleringsmaterialer
Foreløbig rapport, version 2001-06-21
Strohballen-Tests aus Dänemark…
Nitzkin, Rikki: Un Recorrido por casas de Balas de Paja en la Peninsula, 2005 (Strohballenbau in Spanien)